Estrogen dominance is a condition where a woman has too much estrogen relative to progesterone in her body. This hormonal imbalance can cause various symptoms like weight gain, fluid retention, breast tenderness, mood swings, and irritability. Some key things to know about estrogen dominance:
- It often occurs during perimenopause, when progesterone levels start to decline but estrogen levels remain high. Perimenopause refers to the years leading up to menopause when hormone fluctuations are common.
- Birth control pills can contribute to estrogen dominance because they contain estrogen and lower natural progesterone production.
- A poor diet high in refined carbs and low in fiber promotes estrogen dominance by increasing inflammation and disrupting gut bacteria.
- Chronic stress is another culprit as it causes the body to produce more estrogen and less progesterone.
- Environmental xenoestrogens, synthetic chemicals that mimic estrogen, play a role by adding to the total estrogen load.
So what can you do if you suspect estrogen dominance? Here are some tips:
- Clean up your diet by avoiding processed foods and adding more fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This helps eliminate excess estrogen through the digestive tract.
- Take targeted herbal supplements like DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate to support estrogen metabolism. Check with your doctor first.
- Reduce stress through yoga, meditation or whatever activities promote relaxation for you. This helps rebalance estrogen and progesterone.
- Consider taking a progesterone cream to directly increase progesterone levels after consulting your physician.
- Avoid xenoestrogens by using natural cosmetics/cleaning supplies and switching to glass/stainless steel over plastic containers whenever possible.
- Get your hormone levels tested to identify any deficiencies or imbalances. Hormone testing provides insight for proper treatment.
In summary, estrogen dominance arises from multiple factors like diet, stress and environmental exposures. Making strategic lifestyle changes and taking targeted supplements can help restore hormonal balance naturally. Consider getting personalized guidance from professionals like those at
Renew Hormone Solutions to develop a tailored protocol for your hormonal health. With proper management, you can reduce uncomfortable symptoms and minimize health risks associated with prolonged estrogen dominance.