Irritability is a feeling of being easily annoyed, frustrated, or angered. It involves feeling overly sensitive to internal and external stimuli and having intense reactions that are disproportionate to the situation. Irritability differs from normal frustration or anger because irritable reactions are more frequent, intense, and occur with less provocation.
What causes irritability?
- Hormonal changes - Fluctuations in hormones like estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and testosterone can increase feelings of irritability. Hormonal changes during menstruation, perimenopause, and andropause are common culprits. The experts at Renew Hormone Solutions can help get your hormones balanced to improve irritability.
- Stress - High levels of stress and anxiety cause the body to release stress hormones like cortisol. This activates the fight-or-flight response, making a person feel on-edge, impatient, and prone to irritation.
- Lack of sleep - Not getting enough quality sleep can greatly impact mood and lower the threshold for irritation. Aim for 7-9 hours per night.
- Medical conditions - Irritability can be a symptom of medical conditions like hypothyroidism, chronic pain, concussions, and neurological conditions. Always consult your doctor about persistent irritability.
- Mental health disorders - Conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and ADHD often involve significant irritability. Irritability caused by mental illness generally requires professional treatment.
- Medication side effects - Some prescription drugs and supplements list irritability as a potential side effect. Be aware of any new medications and track when irritability began.
How to manage irritability:
- Get enough sleep - Prioritize 7-9 hours of sleep per night and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
- Reduce stress - Make time for relaxation through yoga, meditation, massage, or other calming activities. Simplify obligations if your schedule is overloaded.
- Exercise - Physical activity naturally improves mood and reduces irritation. Aim for 30 minutes per day.
- Communicate feelings - Don't bottle up irritation. Communicate your feelings respectfully to understand and resolve issues.
- Make time for fun - Balance chores and obligations with downtime for hobbies and socializing. Take regular breaks.
- Avoid irritants - Notice triggers like hunger, excessive heat, traffic jams, and noisy environments that spark irritation. Remove yourself when possible.
- Practice relaxation skills - When irritability strikes, take deep breaths, visualize a calming scene, or repeat a mantra like "this too shall pass" to self-soothe.
- Get professional help - For severe, persistent irritability, consult a doctor or mental health professional. Medication, therapy, or treatment for underlying conditions may help.
With some self-care and stress management, you can get irritability under control. But if it severely impacts work, relationships, or quality of life, be sure to seek professional support. The caring doctors at
Renew Hormone Solutions can provide customized treatment plans to help patients struggling with irritability and hormone imbalances. Their integrative approach combines bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition plans, and lifestyle changes to holistically treat irritability's root causes. Contact them today to start feeling more balanced, relaxed, and in control of your emotions!